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How to put a vendor on hold, invoice on hold, change vendor bank, or change the method of payment

Updated: Oct 9, 2023

Tip of the Day: In Microsoft D365 Finance and Supply Change (D365 F&SC), in Accounts Payable, did you know there are multiple ways to put Vendors on hold and edit vendor information on Open Vendor Invoices?

To put a vendor on/off hold, go to Accounts Payable > Vendors > All Vendors > select the vendor > on the Vendor tab in the Maintain section, select On Hold

· No – No holds have been put on the vendor.

· Invoice – No invoices can be posted for the vendor.

· All – The vendor is on hold for all transaction types. These transaction types include purchase requisitions, invoices, and payments.

· Payment – No payments can be generated for the vendor.

· Requisition – Only purchase requisitions can be created. No other transactions can be created.

· Never – The vendor is never put on hold for inactivity.

To put a Vendor Invoice on hold, change the vendor bank, or change the method of payment, go to Accounts payable > Invoices, Open vendor invoices > Transactions.

Intra-Cloud Dynamics

By Alicia Keener

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